Submit Menu

At SGMenu, we are dedicated to providing the most up-to-date information to our users. That’s why we warmly welcome submissions of restaurant menus from both restaurant owners and diners. Whether you’re introducing a brand new menu or simply updating an existing one, we are happy to receive your submission in the form of a mobile photo. Our aim is to ensure that our users have access to the most accurate, comprehensive, & up to date information, and showcasing restaurant menus is a crucial part of that effort. If you have a menu to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through email or social media. You can also email me directly, Lee Yong, at the following address:

[email protected]

If you are a restaurant owner, we request you to share complete information about your brand with us. This includes the restaurant name, address, cuisine type, operating hours, menu prices, and accompanying images. With this comprehensive information, we can help ensure that your restaurant is accurately represented and effectively marketed to potential diners. We value your partnership and look forward to promoting your restaurant to a wider audience. Please send us the requested information to be featured on our site.